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पहिली ते दहावी अभ्यास Click On Image
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Saturday, 5 December 2020

Descriptive Notes वर्णनात्मक नोंदी इयत्ता चौथी - English

 Descriptive Notes वर्णनात्मक नोंदी  इयत्ता चौथी  - English

➨   he /she Listen and guess the contextual meaning.

➨   he /she Repeat words, phrases, sentences as per model.

➨   he /she Answer questions in appropriate words,phrases and sentences.

➨   he /she Interact among themselves.

➨   he /she Speak about a given topic for a given duration.

➨   he /she listen and do/act. as directed.

➨   he /she  Listen and classify.

➨   he /she Follow instructions, commands and requests.

➨   he /she  Listen and sequence the events.

➨   he /she Listen and repeat as per model.

➨   he /she Listen and identify the picture/objects.

➨   he /she Listen and learm new words/phrases related to various professions.

➨   he /she Listen to rhymes/songs poems and follow the beat.

➨   he /she Listen and say.

➨   he /she Listen and note the characteristics of spoken.

➨   he /she Follow the chain of instructions.

➨   he /she Listen to material with the help of audio and video devices.

➨   he /she Participate in conversation.

➨   he /she Answer questions in detail.

➨   he /she Write Words about immediate surrounding.

➨   he /she Write the time appropriately.

➨   he /she Re-construct a jumbled story / events.

➨   he /she Answer questions.

➨   he /she Write numbers in figures as well as words.

➨   he /she Express needs, demands, feelings, opinions and ideas.

➨   he /she Speak about themselves / their surroundings / relatives / family / hobbies, etc.

➨   he /she Narrate a story with pictures I key words I with verbal guideline, on their own.

➨   he /she Read words, phrases and short sentences.

➨   he /she Read a calendar.

➨   he /she Identify, match and read some letters of the alphabet.

➨   he /she Read with proper punctuations.

➨   he /she Read group of words, short sentences, paragraphs,

➨   he /she He can't make questions.

➨   he /she He can't do act as suggested.

➨   he /she Use appropriate body language while speaking.

➨   he /she Make enquiries and requests.

➨   he /she Give directions.

➨   he /she Narrate a sequence of events.

➨   he /she Use telephone, mobile.

➨   he /she Get ready to read and write English:

➨   he /she Associate words with picture.

➨   he /she Read some words and their shapes.

➨   he /she Identify numbers in figures and words.

➨   he /she Read few groups of words at sight.

➨   he /she Write in four lines.

➨   he /she Write neatly and legibly.

➨   he /she Write capital and small letters.

➨   he /she Write simple names.

➨   he /she Copy given text.

➨   he /she He can't describe pictures.

➨   he /she He can't sing poem with acting.

➨   he /she He makes mistakes in listening.

➨   He /she makes mistakes in listening.

➨   He/she  don't read sentences properly.

➨   He /she tells wrong word for suggested words

➨   he /she Listen and write words.

➨   he /she Punctuate sentences and paragraphs.

➨   he /she Write letters, words and sentences with properspacing

➨   he /she Make words from given letters.

➨   he /she Listen to words/phrases/sentences and write them down.

➨   he /she Construct sentences to make passage.

➨   he /she Write on a single line.

➨   he /she Complete words and sentences meaningfully.

➨   he /she Complete known stories.

➨   he /she Read and understand both full and contracted forms.

➨   he /she Get used to left to right progression in writing.

➨   he /she Read and understand maps, calendars, various timetables.

➨   he /she Read from authentic material according to their level.

➨   he /she Draw shapes and figures within the given space.

➨   he /she songs I poem, textual material with proper pace, stress and intonation.

➨   he /she Read and understand from the surrounding

➨   he /she Read and arrange words in alphabetical order.

➨   he /she Read and understand handwritten material.

➨   he /she Trace and copy some letters of the alphabet.

➨   he /she Copy different shapes in proper direction.

➨   he /she Write names of their own choice.

विशेष प्रगती  नोंदी    -               Click Here

आवड  व छंद                      -       Click Here

सुधारणा  आवश्यक             -     Click Here

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